Monday, March 23, 2015

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1. Beli emas tanpa ilmu
Orang beli emas, kita sibuk beli emas, tapi kita tak tahu sebab apa orang beli emas lalu bertindak kurang bijak apabila tidak merancang simpanan dengan betul. Ada jugak orang yang sibuk beli emas macam ni braper gm 1 oz pun ada yang tak tahu.
Antara akibatnya ada yang jual emas dan terpaksa rugi bila susut nilai tinggi kerana harga emas belum naik
2. Join skim pelaburan emas
Ada yang kelabu mata bila dengar pasal dapat duit bulanan , dapat dividen, dapat hibah dan sebagainya. Asal dengar orang cakap dapat  untung  jer terus  join tanpa sempat buat kajian mendalam.
Halal haram pun dah tak peduli, yang penting untung masyuk. Last2 masuk banyak, keluar pun banyak dan ada yang pulak dapat dividen dan hibah beberapa bulan sahaja. 
3. Beli dengan harga yang mahal sedangkan boleh dapat murah.
Emas bukan barang kawalan, harga pun ikut kedai emas/company/pengedar nak jual berapa. Sebab tu boleh tengok ada macam-macam harga. So,pilihlah yang murah dan berbaloi dengan servis yang ditawarkan. Sebaiknya cuba tengok harga emas pasaran dunia sebelum beli sebagai asas.
Lebih murah,lebih gram yang kita dapat.Tapi kalau murah,pastikan kira sekali kos tersembunyi kalau2 ada. 
4. Simpan dalam akaun simpanan emas
Saya terpaksa menjawab dengan sabar bila ada yang bertanya kenapa emas dibank  lagi murah dari emas yang awak jual? Saya pun bertanya ada ke emasnya bila dia beli emas dibank ? dan bank ada tunjuk emas tak ? Setahu saya hanya ada satu je yang patuh syariah tapi cawangan ada 3 je,nak beli pun susah.
Bank Merah/Bank Kuning menjual emas kertas jauh lebih murah dari emas fizikal kerana meraka sebenarnya tidak mempunyai emas fizikal langsung di dalam peti simpanan mereka. Kos yang diperlukan mereka adalah kos untuk mencetak kertas sahaja. Sebab itu mereka mampu menjual emas kertas dengan amat murah. Anda sendiri pun mampu membuat jual-beli emas kertas, walaupun anda tidak mempunyai 1 gram emas sekalipun.
Tak percaya? Cuba pergi ke Bank Merah/Bank Kuning dan beli emas kertas mereka. Dan seminggu kemudian datang balik dan cakap =Boleh tak saya nak tukarkan gold account ini kepada emas sebenar?”. Mereka akan cakap tidak boleh, kerana anda hanya mempunyai ‘gold account’ sahaja dan tidak langsung mempunyai gold fizikal. Setelah pujuk rayu dibuat ke atas pihak atasan, mereka mengalah, kemungkinan sebulan baru anda akan dapat emas fizikal anda. SEBULAN untuk anda seorang.
Apa akan terjadi sekiranya Bank-Bank ini ditimpa masalah?
Mesti ramai yang akan kata, “mustahil lah bank-bank besar macam Bank Kuning/Bank Merah ini boleh bankrupt”. Bank-bank itu hanya besar di dalam Malaysia, cuba bandingkan negara Malaysia ini dengan peta dunia, besar mana pon Malaysia kita? Sebagai contoh, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc ($600 billion in assets) merupakan antara bank terbesar di dunia yang bermula sejak tahun 1850 lagi telah jatuh bankrupt pada 2008. Washington Mutual 2008, Colonial Bank 2009,
United Commercial Bank  2009, California National Bank 2009, New York Bank Amerka Syarikat tahun 1931 dan banyak lagi. Di ikuti hampir 30 bank-bank terbesar dunia telah ditutup. Dan anda rasa Bank di negara kita sangat kuat? Fikir berkali-kali.
Kalau Bank Kuning/Merah jatuh bankrupt, anda rasa anda dapat EMAS anda? PIDM akan cover? Mereka hanya cover cerita sahaja. Be wise. BUY PHYSICAL GOLD! NOT PAPER GOLD.
5. Jual tanpa sebab dan simpan semula dalam bentuk wang kertas
Menjual emas tanpa sebab yang kukuh. Saya selalu bagitau client saya, juallah emas bila : -nak berbisnes (perlu modal) -beli rumah -beli tanah -terdesak (pilihan lain,boleh pajak jika mampu tebus)
Lagi satu ramai yang suka trade in,sebenarnya rugi.Saya memang tak sarankan sebab dari nak menambah simpanan emas,tapi semakin berkurangan pula. Ramai juga yang asal harga tinggi je jual,sedangkan dia tak perlu jual pun.Simpan lebih lama,dan jual bila perlu sahaja.
Harga emas naik untuk jangka masa panjang.  Anda akan rugi kalau tak simpan lebih 5 tahun dan jual sebelum harga emas naik berbanding harga yang anda beli. 
6. Terlibat dengan ar rahnu tanpa sebab munasabah
Ar rahnu hanyalah tempat untuk anda pajak bila perlu.
Sistem 30:70 -manipulasi untuk tambah emas tanpa terkawal -pajak berulang kali. Gunakanlah kemudahan ar- rahnu untuk keperluan dan modal bisnes,bukan untuk perkara di atas.
7. Beli emas sadur /palsu
Memang trend ada orang suka emas Z*****.Adakah anda hanya suka berhias semata-mata? Tak nak ke sambil melawa sambil dapat menyimpan aset? Dengan beli barang kemas diperbuat dari emas tulen,anda bukan sahaja dapat melawa,tapi dapat tambah aset.
Mudah bukan? Emas sadur pun boleh tahan mahal,baik beli barang kemas tulen,harganya makin naik,emas sadur,kat mana boleh jual?
Lagi satu,anda boleh rugi kalau terbeli emas palsu. Macam mana nak check ketulenan emas, pastikan anda dapat resit dari pembeli,dan check di mana-mana ar rahnu atau kedai.
Hubungi saya untuk perkongsian pengetahuan emas.

Gold Investment is a common thing for us. Why? Gold is a precious element that makes it a pleasure to many people. In addition to being sold in the form of jewelry, gold bars are also tangible. The preferred bars as an investment. Behind his bright way stores benefits of investing in gold. These are the benefits of investing in gold.

Easy disbursed
The gold investment will be more easily remove at any time. Gold is easily to sell or pawned. So you can meet your urgent needs like education of children, pay the hospital, buy a house. You can immediately sell the gold from a gold shop, pawn shops, banks or people who are in need of gold.
Gold prices also fell sharply ever, but increasing every year. Unlike his other tangible objects, such as investment properties. Although the price quickly soared every year, but take a long time to sell, and it is not easy.

The immune inflation

Gold prices rarely even decrease each year is increasing. The gold  value always tends to be stable. Most of us sue the gold  to hedge against inflation, which often occur every year. When we invest in gold undoubtedly resale value in the next ten years will double. So the benefits are increasing too.
The value of gold allegedly never occasionally changes. It is derived from the observations (perhaps not scientifically) or comparing product prices compared to gold for hundreds or thousands of years. For example, in January 1400 years if the gold dinar could be used to buy goats do, then 1 dinar is now also able to buy one goats best in class. This story tell us that there is no significant change in the value of gold is in a period of 1400 years.
By having gold, you can turn it into a business capital. It’s just that there are unique benefits of opening a business with a capital of gold compared to the savings. Gold has not sold and exchanged directly for cash.
However, gold can be mortgaged to the capital to start a business. Then the results can be used as a pawn fresh gold funds to open a business and turn it for a profit. You must be smart calculate stalling the results used in part to pay back the gold. In the end, you will reap a double advantage: gold back company assets and your business.

The durability and corrosion resistance

Investment Gold is also very beneficial due to its shape that is not easily to damaged. Valuables are highly resistant to corrosion or oxidation. Maintenance is also very easy, just stored in a safety box or another safe place.
This corrosion resistant nature makes gold is not easily broken, not bad and not wrinkled. Certainly very different from other investments that have a drawback such as promissory notes or other securities. Gold is also not easily eaten by termites and obsolete.

Future savings

Investing in gold is closely related to future savings. Storing gold equals wealth store. Because the value of gold goes up every year so that your money grows too.
Automatic cost increases their future wealth. You can use to meet needs ranging from pension funds to send children. You can save for pilgrimage through investment in gold without worry about inflation. You also do not have to be confused should try to owe money to meet all your daily needs. So start investing in gold while it is still young and able.

The law of demand (Demand Supply)

The law of demand, in general, is increasing the cost of goods or property due to the growing demand. It, usually, occurs in the stock market, where many investors go to buying a stock, it increased demand share price. When there is no interest, otherwise the price tends to drop due to the many people who sell. The fundamental principle of the economy is also affecting the price of gold.
An example is when increases in gold prices caused by inflation created by the addition of mold America, where a massive bill. It captured by investors who predict gold prices will rise sharply increasing. Finally, some investors to invest in gold down, increasing demand (demand) and gold price.

Primary considerations for investment gold
Investment Gold is not the same as investing in a company. The company should aim to develop normally, producing a profit because it can increase the value (value) of a good or service. That is; the benefits of the company’s value will increase. But unlike gold. The amount of gold as described above remains from the past until now. Gold is gold, no race or race.
So what is the purpose of our investments in gold? When our goal is to obtain a lucrative profit, then it is not convenient to gold as an investment. But when our goal is to keep our property in the hope of maintaining the value of inflation, then we can use the color. Because if we are saving money using the existing paper, then another five years will be reduced even if its nominal value together. So from the beginning, we need to know our purpose of investing. Whether to retain value or increase the value of the assets, we have.